While wasps hibernate in their nests during the winter, they come out looking for food once it gets warm. You may notice wasps hovering around sweet drinks and treats left outside. They’re annoying but also dangerous. Leaving these pests unchecked could mean they see you, your family, and your property as a threat.
When you notice wasps circulating your property, the first step is determining where they are coming from. Perhaps from a nest in your walls, under your eaves, in your shrubs and trees, or the railroad ties that line your garden beds. The experts at Ready Pest Control know how to find the source of an infestation and permanently remove it. Call today for help with Madison wasp control.
Entomologists have identified about 30,000 species of wasps across every continent but Antarctica. The stinging varieties, known as Vespidae, are sometimes brown but can also be bright colors such as crimson, yellow, metallic green, or blue. About 1,000 wasp species, including hornets and yellow jackets, are social, building formidable colonies with thousands of kin.
While all wasps build nests, solitary wasps don’t form colonies. Solitary wasps are among the largest, including the majestic tarantula hawk, wrapped in blue and orange and growing to 1.5 inches. The more common mud daubers, whose nests you might see in the eaves of your house, are also solitary. Where social wasps sting as a defense mechanism, solitary wasps use their venom to paralyze prey when they hunt. Any type of wasp on a Madison property could be a potential threat that requires the help of experienced pest control experts.
Wasps benefit humans by keeping pest populations like cockroaches and spiders under control. The agriculture industry dispatches wasps to protect crops from every pest that plagues them. However, wasps can be destructive when they nest and colonize on your property.
Social wasp colonies begin each spring when a hibernating and fertilized queen builds a modest nest for her first brood of females. These female wasps then work to expand the nest by scraping wood fibers with their mandibles, chewing it into pulp, and creating hexagonal cells where the queen continues to lay eggs. More than 5,000 wasps can live in a single colony.
The wood they are scraping for their papery nests could be coming from your house or garage framing if the colony is inside your walls. If you, a family member, or a pet unwittingly disturb a nest or colony, you risk being swarmed and stung repeatedly and painfully. To prevent this from happening, it’s always best to call a Madison pest control professional who knows how to handle wasp problems quickly and safely.
When you see wasps lurking and diving after sweets at your backyard barbecue, you realize they can be pests, but you don’t realize how many may be hidden across your property. A Madison wasp control expert can determine the type of wasp infestation you are dealing with and implement methods for removal by dismantling the nest, placing traps, and using insecticidal chemicals.
In addition, our professional pest control will be thorough and provide information about a maintenance plan to keep wasps at bay in properties across Madison, Fitchburg, Middleton, Verona, Mount Horeb, Stoughton, Oregon, McFarland, Cross Plains, and Cambridge. Call Ready Pest Control today so we can assess your needs and remove the wasps you don’t see.